Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)
Sharpless 2-115 in Cygnus, Steve Milne
Sharpless 2-115 in Cygnus
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Sharpless 2-115 in Cygnus, Steve Milne
Sharpless 2-115 in Cygnus
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Acquisition details



Sharpless 115 is a faint emission nebula around 7,500 light years away in the constellation of Cygnus. The nebula is ionized by stars in the open cluster Berkeley 90 (from the Berkeley Open Cluster Catalogue, 1958). The cluster, which is embedded in Sh 115, is thought to be only 100 million years old.

To the left of centre, just below the midline, is the planetary nebula Abell 71. I have been unable to find any distance estimates for Abell 71.

Sharpless 115 was photographed between 30 August and 24 September 2019 from a remote imaging rig that is jointly owned and operated by Barry Wilson and me.

Capture details are as follows:

Telescope: Takahashi FSQ 106

Camera: QSI 683 WSG

Filters: Astrodon 5nm NB

Mount: 10 Micron GM1000HPS

SII: 20 x 1200s

Ha: 22 x 1200s

OIII: 21 x 1200s

A total of 21 hours exposure.

Data: Steve Milne & Barry Wilson

Processing: Steve Milne
